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How We Charge

At our initial meeting, we will listen to an outline of your situation, provide an initial generic assessment of your case and advice and information on our costs either on MS Teams or face to face

We may provide you with a link to "Engage" which enables you to prepare the relevant factual information before our meeting so that the time in the meeting is used constructively. 

During this meeting, we will consider the information you have provided, find out more about your situation and advise you of the options and processes available to you. Meetings are charged at out hourly rate which varies between £300-£325 plus VAT per hour. 

We have a range of standard charge out rates and once instructed, we provide full transparency of cost estimates and all charges and these are reviewed six monthly. We invoice separately for third party services e.g. barristers’ fees, court fees and other disbursements. Generally we invoice monthly to enable you to keep on top of the level of fees as your matter progresses. 


Are you worried about how much full representation by a solicitor will cost and do you wish to retain some control over the process yourself?

We can provide pay-as-you-go advice either as a “one off” in face to face meetings or more flexible in a series of meetings throughout the matter.

This is charged at our hourly rate. Typically we advise you in face to face meetings at which we advise you how to progress your case to the next stage. Payments are made on the day for that work and you do not receive additional bills unless you instruct us to carry out additional work for you.

Both types of pay-as-you-go advice can be a useful way of obtaining legal advice in a variety of situations such as:-

  1. Obtaining advice alongside mediation, preparing letters for you to take to mediation;
  2. Reviewing agreements you have reached before they are converted into binding agreements or orders;
  3. Assisting you with preparing a statement to be filed at court;
  4. Helping you to organise and prepare a court application that you will be running yourself;
  5. A review of your financial settlement options and preparing an offer letter for you;
  6. Advising you alongside negotiations you are conducting yourself with your spouse;
  7. Advising you in respect of making a court application yourself, including advice on process, strategy, likely outcome and case management;
  8. Preparing for a court hearing which you will be attending without representation.
  9. Preparing to instruct a direct access barrister for a hearing

If we assist you on a pay–as–you–go basis, we would not send letters, e-mails or make phone calls on your behalf and we would not be formally recorded as acting for you in any court proceedings.

In the meetings, we can explain processes, provide supportive advice and assist you with organising and preparing the matter yourself.

You would not be billed monthly but would pay per meeting at our hourly rate on the day of the meeting.

Fixed Fee Work

This is appropriate for one-off pieces of work of a limited duration and can be offered for:-

  1. An undefended divorce process if you are the Petitioner or the Respondent;
  2. Drafting pre-nuptial agreements, separation agreements, cohabitation agreements and change of name deeds;
  3. Drafting consent orders where an agreement has been reached and lodging that at court with the appropriate documentation;
  4. One-off review of your case, perhaps if you have been acting in person

The fee for this work is agreed and paid at the commencement of the matter.

We require money on account before we can commence work on your behalf 


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