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Ex-pat Divorce and International Family Law

We specialise in International Family Law and provide advice, support and representation from our offices in Winchester and Putney, South West London. If you are able to spend only a limited amount of time in the UK, we can act as your hub and assist in co-ordinating all your legal and financial planning needs such as arranging for a , pension specialist or holistic financial planner to join us at our meetings. We are flexible and can meet with you via Microsoft Teams or Zoom when required.

Our Ex-pat Divorce and International Family Law Services

It is essential to obtain immediate and specialist advice in this specialist and complex area of law.

Unlike many solicitors' practices we only handle divorce and family law and are specialists in this field. You will have direct access to an experienced divorce solicitor who will provide you with clear and practical legal advice throughout the process for all aspects of your divorce including your home, your children, your money, your business and your pension. We aim to guide you through your divorce with appropriate sensitivity.

We help UK residents, ex-pats and foreigners residing in the UK who are entitled to bring proceedings in England and Wales issue no fault divorce proceedings.. International elements can bring complexity to divorces. This is a complex area of law and it is essential to seek early specialist advice.

Ex Pat Divorce

  • Advising on jurisdiction and forum in international divorces
  • Dealing with the location of and service on spouses abroad
  • Swift issue of proceedings in the UK as jurisdiction of choice

International Children Matters

  • Representing parents when one parent wishes to relocate abroad on a temporary or permanent basis
  • Representing parents wishing to take a child abroad for a holiday without the consent of the other parent
  • Representing parents who live abroad to obtain child arrangement orders with their children living in the UK
  • Negotiating and drafting parenting plans where parents live abroad 
  • Representing parents where there has been a wrongful removal or retention of a child
  • Obtaining Mirror Orders 
  • Advising on Hague Convention implications to your situation
  • Representing parents where wardship proceedings are necessary due to the international circumstances and for the protection of the child
  • Applications for a child to be joined as a party to the proceedings and appointment of a guardian 
  • Advising on the tracing and location of children who have been wrongfully removed

International aspects of Finances

  • Advising on the financial implications in respect of fathers or children living abroad such as the enforcement of child support and school fees orders
  • Representing clients in financial claims where the parties are domiciled or resident in different jurisdictions
  • Representing clients in financial remedy claims involving high net worth assets, assets held in multiple jurisdictions, off shore trusts and assets that should be frozen to prevent their removal abroad.
  • Advising on property disputes involving foreign assets, property, and businesses
  • Advising on the enforceability of foreign ante nuptial agreements in the UK
  • Representing and advising in applications for further financial relief in the UK following foreign divorce particularly where there are pension issues.
  • Divorces for expats including advice on the country in which proceedings should be issued. Swift action will be needed if there is a rush to issue in your jurisdiction of choice
  • Issues relating to payment of maintenance and enforcement where the child or payer lives abroad
  • Emergency financial applications
  • Registration, variation and enforcement of UK orders abroad and foreign orders in the UK
  • Pre-nuptial agreements for couples, one of whom may be resident overseas and advice on the enforceability of foreign pre-nuptial agreements

International Divorce - Case Study

Our reported cases:

NG v OG (2014) EWHC 4182

S v S (2014) EWHC 575 (Fam)

We cannot advise on the law in the foreign jurisdiction but can liaise with foreign lawyers where necessary.

Time differences need not cause problems as we are pleased to arrange telephone or skype conferences with you if you are overseas at times convenient to you.


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