We are now able to offer a new way of working with you: one lawyer for two clients. This is our own tailored Resolution Together process.
If you are ready to work together rather than against each other to reach amicable solutions in respect of all issues arising from your separation or divorce and would like to do so together instructing one lawyer only, then this may be the best option for you.
Divorcing does not need to be expensive and acrimonious and involve two lawyers. Instead contact us to assess your suitability for our “Just One Family Lawyer” scheme.
This resolution method is suitable for separating couples who are open about their financial positions, will provide complete and transparent disclosure, are aligned on the outcome they think is best for themselves and their family and who would like one qualified and experienced professional to handle the way forward with them and for them.
Our regulatory professional body has now provided structured guidelines within which this service can be offered to suitable separating couples.
How does it work?
After screening for suitability, we hold a joint assessment meeting to ascertain that this is an appropriate way in which you can work together.
This is the start of our working together journey in which we will:
Benefits include:
“Just One Family Lawyer” enables you to jointly instruct one solicitor to steer you both through the divorce and financial process and to help you create a binding outcome. Please contact us if you would like to find out if this way forward may be suitable for you and your family.
Have you obtained your Conditional Order and been faced with the option to file a consent order?
Do you need help to reach an agreement with your ...