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Hybrid Mediation

We also endorse a new mediation model known as Hybrid Mediation. This is particularly effective if there are issues of law getting in the way of helping you reach an agreement of for example a particularly thorny or sensitive issue preventing a settlement being agreed. It is also a recommended model if there is a significant level of conflict in your relationship with your former partner. This is because the model enables both parties’ solicitors to attend the mediation with you. It makes it quicker to reach an agreement as your solicitor will be with you at the mediation session so you do not need to refer back to your solicitor for advice on issues arising in the mediation session. It also means that you have protection from conflict in the mediation as the solicitors will be there to adopt a more objective approach, reduce the stress of the mediation, act as your voice if required, and assist you both in narrowing issues. The process is also ideal if parts of the financial agreement have been reached, but there remain some sticking points. Solicitor input in the hybrid mediation model can help you reach a full and final settlement quicker.

Mediation can be used to resolve matrimonial financial, cohabitation and children disputes, and some mediators are trained to listen to the children as part of the process. For international children disputes, we can offer remote assistance and support through the hybrid mediation process.


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