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Collaborative Practice

Do you aim to resolve the issues important to you and your family as a whole taking into account each of your individual and perhaps conflicting needs? Do you want to engage in a constructive, rather than a destructive process to resolve these issues? Do you want control over the timing of the process and to deal with matters privately and openly?

If so, collaborative law may be the way forward for you and your family. You and your partner each appoint collaborative family lawyers and you all sign up to a Participation Agreement agreeing to engage in moving forward and resolving outstanding family disputes collaboratively, opting out of the court system and removing the threat of court proceedings. Issues are resolved in face to face meetings ( if possible, alternatively via Microsoft Teams) where you will be advised and supported by your lawyer.

Both lawyers and clients find the collaborative process a beneficial and constructive one enabling you to deal with the actual process and move on from it in a dignified and positive way.

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