9 Helpful Tips on Making the Best Arrangements for your Children after Separation

1. Remain amicable so you can make arrangements between yourselves. Show a united front and strong parenting together.

2. Depending on your children’s ages and understanding you may need to involve them in these discussions together.

3. There may have to be compromises on both sides but if the arrangements are in the children’s best interests that’s okay.

4. Try to agree a routine which everyone to provide security and continuity. Children who spend quality time with both parents are likely to have better outcomes in terms of social, psychological, and physical development.

5. Allow the absent parent to remain involved in parenting, to be supportive of the children, and to provide love and affection.

6. Children can be just as stressed as adults by repeated moves and long-term financial problems so ensure that you also discuss and reach an agreement on financial matters so that all needs are fairly met.

7. Make sure that time spent with the children is positive, loving and child focused.

8. Be flexible and prepared to agree new routines and different forms of contact as the children grow older and their needs change

9. Consider using a co=parenting app such as Our Family Wizard to communicate and share information with the other parent particularly if communications are difficult and stressful. OurFamilyWizard | The Best Coparenting App

Contact Us on 01962 217640 or email joannehouston@just-family-law.com for advice on this important issue.

Disclaimer: The topics covered in this blog post are complex and are provided for general guidance only. If any of the circumstances mentioned in this blog might have application to you, you should seek expert legal advice.