How Do I Agree to a Financial Consent Order

Have you obtained your Conditional Order and been faced with the option to file a consent order?

Do you need help to reach an agreement with your ex?

Are you wondering what a Financial Consent Order actually is?

A consent order is the legal document drawn up by a solicitor or legal professional that outlining the financial agreement in your divorce.

How do you agree reach an agreement so that a consent order can be drafted?

Divorce or separation can be a challenging time, both emotionally and financially. One of the most important aspects of the process is reaching a fair financial agreement with your ex-partner. This can involve dividing assets, pensions, debts, and determining spousal support.

Eight key points to consider when negotiating a financial settlement:

1. Gather Financial Information: Download or apply for all relevant financial documents, such as bank statements, tax returns, property valuations and pension CEVs. Organise your financial information into a clear and easy-to-understand format.

2. Open Communication: Engage in clear and honest communication with your ex-partner. Avoid making assumptions or accusations and focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution. If you’re struggling to communicate effectively, consider involving a mediator

3. Consider Your Needs and Goals:  Identify your essential needs and goals for the future, such as housing, child support, and financial security. Consider if you need to take specific financial or pension advice? Be realistic based on your financial situation and the available resources.

4. Negotiate in Good Faith: Approach the process with a willingness to compromise and find mutually beneficial solutions.

5.  Seek specialist Legal Advice: Contact a specialist family law solicitor to help you understand your rights, protect your interests, navigate the legal process and advise you on the best process for you.

5. Explore Different Process Options: Your solicitor can advise you on the best process for you to find a financial agreement such as 

  • One Couple One Lawyer- your chosen may be able to work with both you and your ex to set out your options and help you reach an agreement
  • Collaborative Law- an open and out of court four-way negotiation with you, your partner and your lawyers may well work best for a couple trying to reach the best outcome for the family
  • Solicitor- led Negotiation: your lawyer will have the experience an skills to negotiate a settlement with your ex or with their lawyer.
  • Mediation: a neutral third-party mediator may be the best way forward to facilitate communication and guide you towards an agreement.
  • Hybrid Mediation: if you need supported mediation with your lawyer present, hybrid mediation may be the best way of working for you
  • Arbitration: if you need a figure of authority to impose a decision on you without making a court application, agreeing to arbitrate will ensure you obtain a final and binding outcome.
  • Court proceedings: If you are in a particularly complex situation and cannot reach an agreement through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, you may need to go to court. However, your lawyer is likely to encourage you to reach an agreement during the process to save costs and stress

6. Be Patient: The process may take time, especially if there are complex issues to work through

7. Consider Long-Term Implications: Be mindful of potential future changes, such as job loss, illness, retirement or increased childcare costs. Consider how your financial agreement might be affected by these factors.

8. Put It in Writing: Once you’ve reached a financial agreement, your solicitor will draft the Financial Consent Order and ensure it meets your requirements and is legally binding.

Why Choose Just Family Law to help you agree a Financial Consent Order?

At Just Family Law, we understand that reaching a financial agreement can be a complex and emotional process. Our experienced family solicitors can provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve a fair and equitable outcome. If you need help to reach an agreement, or if you would you like to know more about a specific aspect of reaching a financial agreement, CONTACT US today to schedule a consultation and discuss your specific needs by calling 01962 217640 or emailing